Travel when you can!

Experience a world that lies beyond your comfortable landscape.

Home is amazing! We all love that warm place that we can rest our head after a long day.

As a Canadian, Toronto is home for me. I love being able to see the lake overlook the C.N. Tower.

Having said that, I write this 1200 kilometers away from home in Memphis, Tennessee.

Being away from my normal environment allows me to disengage from my subconscious programs.

The words we speak are different and the accent is certainly different.

Our reactions to actions are dissimilar as well.

Seeing different people allows us to learn from them.

Is the way I view reality accurate? Perhaps, probably not entirely accurate.

Are there concepts or behaviors that I can take from different cultures that can help me grow? Absolutely.

Be open minded to those you don’t quite understand.

The differences that separate us are the same differences that will unite us.

The next time you travel overseas, be grateful that new experiences are afforded to you.

If you haven’t had the chance to yet, I implore you to go somewhere new.

See the beauty that lies throughout this amazing globe.