Working out: An antidote to the Mental Health crisis

a man doing squats

Lifting weights strengthens more than just your physical body.

You will eventually pay the price.

If you want good health, you will need to pay the price with hard work – lifting weights.

If you choose not to, you will pay the price in poor health down the road.

So, decide what price you’re willing to pay.

For the first 27 years of my life, working out was a foreign concept to me.

Lifting weights was a chore beyond the basic of washing dishes.

Mentally, I just didn’t see value – nothing against it, just not a priority for me.

Could it be my mental illness that was preventing me from taking that step?

I don’t know. But eventually, I took the chance to pick up a weight.

I decided I would rather pay the price up front.

It was honestly worth every penny.

Now, it’s not just a chore but a requirement. I feel bad when I cannot go the gym.

My mental health is at the best state it has ever been – working out 100% had a positive effect on me.

The self-discipline really improves as you continue to bet on yourself.

The physical improvements are great, but the development of my mental faculties was the biggest upside.

Please take the chance to push yourself forward. If you don’t already, take the chance to go to the gym.

If you stay consistent for at least one month, I promise you that your mental health will grow leaps and bounds.

Build that stronger you, it’s only a few pull ups away.

Until then, stay AOK.

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