Let suffering become a more conscious decision

sad woman sitting in doorway of balcony

Suffer for a reason that counts…

As I get older, there are certain beliefs that get cemented in my brain – wired into my nervous system and chained to my heart.

There’s none more solid than the belief that suffering is inevitable.

Just imagine yourself, sitting at your house and eating chips while watching your favorite T.V. show.

As relaxing as that sounds, the continual need to maintain such a lifestyle will lead to a less than ideal mental state.

Think about it! Your body will start to suffer because of the unhealthy diet.

Your brain will cease to function at an optimal level due to the fact that it was previously running on auto pilot.

So, while you enjoyed the leisure and relaxation.

Suffering was waiting at the end of the road – as far as this example is concerned.

The point that I want to get abundantly clear is that the price will be paid! It could be in the present or in the future.

Now, it’s interesting to point out the concept of “delayed gratification.”

The idea that you can withhold the benefits of an action in the present and reap the potential rewards in the future.

Delayed gratification would essentially put the suffering at the beginning of the endeavor.

For example, learning an instrument.

If you can trudge through the little details and consistently practice beyond the suffering, you will benefit over time.

Hopefully we now have a roadmap by which to traverse with respect to suffering.

Take the time to face the suffering in the beginning…. Don’t avoid it.

If you will face it regardless, be in control of when you get to challenge it.

Please note: We cannot control everything! Suffering can rear it’s ugly head at any given point.

My hope is that by analyzing the relationship between suffering and growth, you can identify that by facing suffering on your terms, you will ultimately come out stronger.

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