The Janitor: A story about Growth and Integrity

book opened on white surface selective focus photography

By: Todd Hopkins and Ray Hilbert

Short synopsis: An overstressed, overworked CEO meets a Janitor at his workplace.

The two begin having discussions and slowly, the Janitor provides perspective to the CEO, in ways that transform his life.

Lessons to learn from ” The Janitor”

Take time to do what recharges you.

It’s necessary to take time away from stressors to do what you love. Whether that be passion projects or just watching your favorite movie.

Sometimes those activities can help us focus on the present moment.

Be of the mindset to fully love the moment that your are in.

Treat your family as a blessing and not a responsibility.

You are lucky to have a family that you can spend time with. Many people do not have the same family that you do, so treat your moments with them as gifts – be present and engaged with them.

Pass it around.

Your energy is valuable. Be willing to share that energy with those that deserve it – do it wholeheartedly.

Be open to providing insight to others. If you feel like your words can heal and teach, don’t be shy. Please share your message.

Leave a Legacy.

It’s imperative that you live with integrity so you leave your residue behind.

Your life stands for something important so share it with the world.

My final Takeaways:

My life has a huge impact on the people around me.

If I change the way I view people and relationships, I can build a stronger connection and inevitably help build a better world.

This book was an amazing read and I highly recommend that you pick it up.

See below for a link to the book.

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