A free-thought piece
Nothing in this script has been re-written, edited or changed.
I am writing to get some thoughts out of the way.
It’s been a little bit of a challenge for me to stay on my purpose.
I know what it is but yet the world has been distracting me. I cannot understand how people can be so committed to a cause while maintaining a high degree of focus.
So, where I live, we have been shut-down due to the OMNICRON virus. Gyms are closed and social facilities have been abandoned.
For me, the gym is a place of peace and contentment. I go there when I am stressed and I use the discomfort as an aid.
I cannot explain how the pain helps, but it does. It’s almost therapeutic.
Beyond that, the gym was almost like an anchor for me. It set the tone for how my day would progress.
Start the day feeling great- it did wonders for my mindset throughout the day.
I guess I am slightly annoyed that governments aren’t seeing the immense value in health and wellness, as it relates to staying active.
My hope is that this pandemic winds itself down so that people can start building up healthy habits.
It’s a strange time we are living in, that’s for sure.
With all that said, there are so many things to be grateful for.
Whoever is reading this, please just take 30 seconds to feel the gratitude of your life.
I use those sessions to re-center and focus on the blessings rather than sitting in the negativity.
Thank you for taking the time to read this! Stay AOK!