Purpose Projects

Spend time everyday doing what you love

Throughout our life, we are inundated with responsibilities that drain the energy right out of us.

While the tasks may be necessary, they still draw us away from what brings us joy.

Just my take but life should be spent doing what you love.

I understand that this may not put food on the table…

Even if you are running through a 9-5 job, make time to feed the inner child.

Write a story, learn a language… do something that awakens your need to grow.

These little moments will give your life meaning and purpose.

If you are struggling to find what excites you.. try new things!!

How do I identify a passion project?

A passion project is an endeavor that can provide utility to a community – it won’t feel like work.

You will look up at the clock and realize 4 hours have gone by.

It only felt like minutes.

I believe you can get there.

Chase it and own it!!