Life’s journey is like a heartbeat!

We have all seen the movies, the ones where someone is on their deathbed.

Hearing the sounds of the beeps emanating from the machine they are connected to.

I can’t be the only one who can imagine that in my mind.

I bring attention to that vision because of a thought I had while driving.

Sitting at a red light I thought of the journey we all go through.

It doesn’t matter if you are Elon Musk or just an “average Joe”.

The flow of life appears almost formulaic.

There are ups and there are downs. Regardless of the cards you’re dealt, or the choices you make, it almost always follows that same pattern.

Now, imagine the flow of that heart-beat monitor.

It’s the exact same. You have the baseline- included are peaks and troughs.

So long as the blood pumps, that pattern will hold true.

Both on the monitor as well as in your life.


Don’t take life so seriously. You will face ups and downs so steadily that it’s best to just appreciate your current position.

Be grateful when you are in a trough. I cannot stress this one enough!!!

How often do we take our own health for granted?

We don’t say anything until that day we get a sore throat… then it’s like the world is ending.

The next time you are sick, be thankful for the days that you were healthy.

Enjoy this moment of discomfort as part of the bigger orchestra.

Last thought:

Until the pulse ends, and you see the straight line. Be GRATEFUL and POSITIVE.

Not only will it help you weather the storm, but it will protect and guide those around you.

Life is pretty awesome. Go live it up!!