Tribes: Book Review

lawyers posing for a photo

By: Seth Godin

Tribes is a fabulous book that challenges the reader to bring more to the world.

We live in an era where our ability to add value has greatly increased.

In the generations of past, people were confined to either getting promoted from within or working hard laborious jobs till retirement.

Today, people have greater access to anyone, anywhere and at anytime.

Imagine, one tweet can be viewed across the globe – 50 years ago, the message would have to be sent through carrier.

This greater connectivity means that you can find your “tribe”

Godin suggested that value should be first be focused on smaller groups.

Meaning, try and lead or provide value to 2 people before you try and reach 1000 people.

Start small and then grow from there.

It’s also crucial that you stay authentic to what you want to do.

Don’t change who you are or what you are about – your tribe will follow you.

This is by far my biggest takeaway from the book.

Build a solid brand + allow your greatness to shine through.

The final point of note- don’t give up.

Keep going, if it’s not idea A, try B…. go down to G if it comes to it.

The world needs your leadership. Go out there and let the world see your authentic self.

Please see below for link to book on Amazon.

Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us: Godin, Seth: 8601400965283: Books –